California Greenhouse offers Economical Agricultural Greenhousues & High Tunnel Kits Engineered for Growing Success Specializing in Owner-Builder Construction.

This Structure is Designed & Engineered to USDA & NRCS Standards to comply as an 'Impermanent Structure' and is generally considered a Code Exempt Structure.
* California Greenhouse has provided High tunnel Kits for NRCS Grants in California; Nevada; Oregon; Idaho; Montana & Washington- Contact your local USDA / NRCS Extension Office for more information!
With high tunnel systems, no summer is too short or winter too cold because high tunnels offer:
Season Extension
- Extend the growing season
- Improve plant quality and soil quality
- Reduce nutrient and pesticide transportation
- Improve air quality through reduced transportation inputs
- Reduce energy use by providing consumers with a local source of fresh produce
High tunnels protect plants from severe weather and allow farmers to extend their growing seasons – growing earlier into the spring, later into the fall, and sometimes, year-round. And because high tunnels prevent direct rainfall from reaching plants, farmers can use precise tools like drip irrigation to efficiently deliver water and nutrients to plants. High tunnels also offer farmers a greater ability to control pests and can even protect plants from pollen and pesticide drift.
A number of soil health practices can be used in high tunnels, including cover crops and crop rotations, which also prevent erosion, suppress weeds, increase soil water content, and break pest cycles.
Perhaps the best thing about high tunnels is that they help farmers provide their communities with healthy local food for much of the year – food that requires less energy and transportation inputs.
Preparing Your Application
Applications will be accepted for all eligible lands and applicants. Eligible land includes:
- Cropland (Small Farms) and hay land
- Rangeland
- Pasture land
- Non-industrial private forestland
- Other farm or ranch lands
- Environmentally sensitive areas
Eligible applicants(s) include:
- Agricultural producers
- Owners of non-industrial private forestland
- Indian Tribes
- Those with an interest in the agricultural or forestry operations
- Water management entities
Farm records must indicate the applicant: Additionally, farm records must be established or updated for both the applicants Control or owns eligible land and the land -for your application to be eligible and evaluated. Farm records must indicate some income (Farmers Market or Produce Retailer; CSA income to the applicant Note: Additional restrictions and program requirements may apply. for information specific to your application-
The Natural Resources Conservation Service provides leadership in a partnership effort to help people conserve, maintain, and improve our natural resources and environment.

STARSTRUCKTURE under construction in Nevada City
1. The STARSTRUCKTURE GOTHIC ARCH Greenhouses - This system is 30 ft wide, by any length. These systems are made for more commercial operations any conditions. The are made of 1 7/8"gal. steel tubing. This system is a professional unit that provides max- mum growing area for both in-ground and bench systems. These systems come complete with all parts and many options. The Optional V-Truss System insure strength take snow & wind loads easily. The Machine Crank Roll-Up Sides ensure natural ventilation and you have the option of passive solar or hybrid electrical vents and fans. Other options include a tractor sized door, metal end walls sheeted with Twin-Wall® Polycarb onate panels. You can build this as a Ground-to-Ground or Pony Wall sidewall system. The 30 ft STARSTRUCKTURE ensure maximum space for plants and that means the the will grow large and healthy. As are all of our kits- this unit is complete. from the Ground Posts to the Cover Film, including all hardware and even the drill bits and nut drivers. All you need to put this together is someone to help you stand it up, drill motor, screw gun, ladders and a basic mechanical tool kit. Complete Instructions and Technical help is just a phone call away.
2. Simple Hoop House Frames or Low Tunnel Greenhouses- These frames are utilized to build 12 ft to 16 ft wide structures that are 8 ft to 10 ft tall at center. The are made from triple layer galvanized steel. These are simple Cold Frames that are basically a simple series of hoops with hardware to connect the purlins and hold down the Agribon, shade cloth or greenhouse film. They can be easily set-up, taken down & moved again to any location. They can also be used to cover Raised Beds- Although these frames can be used to build a basic tunnel-type Hoop House- the nest step up is to a High Tunnel design that is far superior for growing with maximum productivity.
USDA'S NRCS GRANTS for High Tunnel
Contact your local County NRCS Office-
Ask them about their EQIP HIGH TUNNEL GRANTS and scheduling of their next annual Funding Cycle and see if you can apply- You will have to show that you are a AGRICULTURAL PRODUCER (* see AG PRODUCER Certificate below.) You will also be responsible for constructing your HIGH TUNNEL-
File Your Paperwork-
Once you are accepted and on the list- the NRCS will contact you when your funding come thru-
Find a HIGH TUNNEL supplier and arrange payment OR find an Kit Supplier who will finance your Kit-(California Greenhouse is on the list and offers NO INTERST LOANS TO FINANCE YOU KIT.
The way it works is that: even though you have a commitment from the NRCS for a certain amount that relates to an amount per Square Foot- YOU have to buy the High Tunnel (NO INTERST LOANS TO FINANCE YOU KIT) NRCS will pay back the loan for the High Tunnel when you have completed it and it has been inspected-
California Greenhouse
will provide you with a complete Kit with Instructions
* AG PRODUCER CERTIFICATE below) and you are growing for market- Any receipt from a FARMERS MARKET or a produce retailer should work- You can also get a CERTIFIED AGRICULTURAL PRODUCERS CERTIFICATE from your county Agricultural commissioner or the Ag Department. These are easy to apply for and usually free or very low cost-
MORE on NRCS High Tunnels
This is a reminder for small farms in our region to remember that the NRCS is there to help you with many sustainable farming initiatives including helping with acquiring High tunnels to increase your production and seasonal production.
GRIZZLY HILL High Tunnel KITS has supplied several of these units to farms and we encourage everyone to talk to the NRCS for information on this and the many other types of assistance they offer- Last year- very few farms signed-up with the NRCS for this service and this year it is never too soon to start your paperwork and initiate contact with the NRCS in Grass Valley. Namely-
* Helping with High-tunnel acquisition costs
* Help with Organic Certifications fees
* Energy conservation on your farm
DAVIS, Calif., —The U.S. Department of Agriculture's Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) is accepting applications for special conservation initiatives funded through the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) to help producers conserve energy, address resource concerns on certified organic operations or those transitioning to organic production, and achieve a number of other environmental benefits.
NRCS is offering EQIP funding for three special initiatives, including:
* On-Farm Energy Initiative (helps producers conserve energy on their operations);
* Seasonal High Tunnel Initiative (helps producers install high tunnels designed to extend the growing season into the cold months, improving plant and soil quality and reducing nutrient and pesticide transport); and
* Organic Initiative (helps producers to install conservation practices on certified organic operations or those working toward organic certification).
"These special initiatives offer producers a variety of options to conserve natural resources while sustaining production on their lands," said California State Conservationist Carlos Suarez. "We're urging producers to contact their local service center as soon as possible to be considered for this year's funding. Eligible producers with a conservation plan for their operation receive priority for financial assistance."
For additional information, eligible producers are encouraged to contact their local NRCS Service Center. Service center locations and more information on the programs can be found at